Science in Schools

(actualisé le )

Voici le résumé de cette superbe séance de travail avec un chercheur britannique (texte écrit par des élèves de 304) :

"Friday, November 9th 2018, an English scientist called Miles Hudson came to our middle school (Galilée). He taught us how to build a telescope and how to talk to extra-terrestrials. In this project, our English teacher, but also our maths teacher, our science teacher and our technology teacher helped us. First of all, Miles Hudson explained to us how to create a telescope. A telescope is an object that helps us see space. There was a competition in the class to build the best telescope. The winner could keep the telescope. We created many telescopes and when the moment arrived, Miles Hudson didn’t choose one but two telescopes because both were great ! After that, he explained to us how to calculate the age of the universe. If S = D/T so D/S = T We didn’t have enough time to calculate the age of the universe but he said “the universe is 13 800 000 000 years old”. When we finished it, he gave us special glasses and he lit a candle. Thanks to the glasses we were able to see rainbows, it was amazing ! Then, he explained that we could do the same thing with a galaxy. Each galaxy has a different rainbow.

We met Mr Hudson thanks to the project “Science in schools”. In this project, we learned more about astronomy and English, it was really fun ! We continued this project afterwards in class with our English teacher. We created new messages to aliens. We hope someday, aliens will be able to understand our messages !"

Students of 304