GaliPotter 4ème LCE

Cette année, les 4ème LCE ont écrit et réalisé un film en anglais sur le thème d’Harry Potter en cours d’LCE.

Ils ont utilisé un fond vert disponible au collège, ainsi qu’un équipement complet de tournage (éclairage, perche, micro…).

Ce projet a eu lieu dans le cadre d’un chapitre sur la saga littéraire de JK Rowling, où les élèves ont pu étudier l’évolution d’Harry Potter, de la littérature à la cinématographie.

Ci-dessous leur scénario :

End of class - The Gryffindor students walk in the corridors at night, they want to go outside to fly, but it is forbidden... They have to be very quiet !
On their way, they meet Hufflepuff students and talk.
The Hufflepuff students want to join them.

First part (adventure)

Slytherin students see them in the corridor and want to tell the teachers.
The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students put on the invisible cloak to escape the teachers and they hide in the toilets.
Unfortunately, they get stuck in the toilets ! They scream for help.
Ravenclaw students arrive to save Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students.

Second part (adventure)

Ravenclaw students tell them in the toilet that they know a secret path but they will need the flying potion.
They put on the cloack of invisibility and go to the potion room. They try several potions until they find the flying potion.
After this, they drink the potion and fly to their rooms.

The end

The teachers are looking for the students but they can’t find them.. That’s because all the students pretend to sleep !

Projet : Mme BERTRAND (anglais)
Mme PAQUIER (documentaliste)
Elèves : 4ème LCE 2022-2023